Esamina la relazione sulla Samsung Quick Share

Esamina la relazione sulla Samsung Quick Share

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Samsung's Quick Share feature makes it easy to send files from one Samsung phone to another without using any data and without reducing the quality of your photos and videos. Quick Share is included with Galaxy phones and is a faster and easier way to share images and videos Per mezzo di a jiffy than a messaging app or a regular Bluetooth connection.

If your friends are using iOS or non-Galaxy Android devices, you can still share with them through a QR code.3

The most notable feature of Private Share is that users can control the recipient’s access permission and the file’s expiration date.

Share files through Private sharing Use Private sharing to ensure that the shared files are shown only on the recipient’s device and accessible only within the expiration date. First, make sure to turn on Private sharing option before you choose the device or contact to share with.4


Twenty files of up to 200MB Per total can be sent at once to a designated recipient using a phone number and identification number.

2 Ko pošiljate datoteke svojim kontaktom, funkcija Quick Share omogoča prenos brez vsakih omejitev glede medsebojne oddaljenosti. Mobilne naprave, ki niso znamke Samsung, lahko datoteke prejemajo prek QR-kod Per besedilnih sporočil. Možnost zasebnega deljenja (Private Share) vam omogoča varno deljenje občutljivih ali zasebnih informacij ter posledičmai notranji mir.

Há algum ambito para oppure núpretto ou tamanho de arquivos que podem ser compartilhados de uma só vez por meio do Private Share do Quick Share?

Nella parte interna che questa funzionalità cosa troviamo negli smartphone dell'Ente coreana, avremo anche diverse impostazioni quale ci aiuteranno a configurarla maggiormente Sopra base alle nostre esigenze.

Have you ever looked at a photo you sent to a friend only to notice that the version Durante the messaging app looks worse than Samsung Quick Share the one Sopra your gallery? Many messaging apps compress images to save patronato, and while that's aggraziato most of the time, it can be annoying for special moments that are worth an extra megabyte or two.

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a notification asking to accept the shared files. Tapping the notification, then tapping "Download all" on the following screen will start the download.

All recent Samsung devices that might be used to share files in qualità di with Samsung Quick Share. This includes laptops, tablets, and phones, as long as they are running Android 10 or later.

To use Private sharing, tap the “More options” menu at the top of the Quick Share screen and select “Turn on Private sharing.” Private sharing prevents others from screenshotting, saving or resending shared files. You can also set an expiration time and date on the files to prevent the recipient’s access after the designated time.

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